
'Microsoft'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2016.10.27 MSSQL 테이블명, 컬럼명 검색
  2. 2016.10.12 pjsip Building for Microsoft Windows 1

MSSQL 테이블명, 컬럼명 검색

Programming/MFC 2016. 10. 27. 16:54 Posted by TanSanC
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

MSSQL 테이블명, 컬럼명 검색

-- 테이블명 검색


-- 컬럼명 검색

SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME = '컬럼명'

-- PK 검색

SELECT * FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE

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pjsip Building for Microsoft Windows

Programming/C,CPP,CS 2016. 10. 12. 14:10 Posted by TanSanC
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.

pjsip Building for Microsoft Windows

출처 :

Build Preparation for Windows

  1. Get the source code, if you haven't already.
  2. It is important that you create a config_site.h as described in Build Preparation

Building the Projects

Follow the steps below to build the libraries/application using Visual Studio:

  1. For Visual Studio 6/2002/2003: open pjproject.dsw workspace file. (No longer supported since pjsip 2.0)
  2. For Visual Studio 8 (VS 2005): open pjproject-vs8.sln solution file.
  3. For Visual Studio 9 (VS 2008): open pjproject-vs8.sln solution file. One-time conversion of projects to VS 2008 format will done automatically.
  4. For Visual Studio 11 (VS 2012): open pjproject-vs8.sln solution file. One-time conversion of projects to VS 2012 format will done automatically.
    1. Warnings about Windows Mobile projects/configurations can be safely ignored, VS 2012 does not support Windows Mobile
    2. Additional tips from pjsip mailing list
  5. Set pjsua as Active or Startup Project.
  6. Set Win32 as the platform.
  7. Select Debug or Release build as appropriate.
  8. Build the project. This will build pjsua application and all libraries needed by pjsua.
  9. After successful build, the pjsua application will be placed in pjsip-apps/bin directory, and the libraries in lib directory under each projects.

To build the samples:

  1. (Still using the same workspace)
  2. Set samples project as Active Project
  3. Select Debug or Release build as appropriate. See Visual Studio Build Configuration page for explanation of each provided build configuration
  4. Build the project. This will build all sample applications and all libraries needed.
  5. After successful build, the sample applications will be placed in pjsip-apps/bin/samples directory, and the libraries in lib directory under each projects.

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